One of the most striking realizations when you look at case and death data from around the world, is how mild
Covid-19 has been in most of the world's countries, with
35% seeing nothing more than
a normal cold season in terms of deaths due to Covid-19, and even
22% seeing
less than a third of their normal cold season.
Almost universally, the countries that have done the most extreme
Virus-Avoidance Strategies,
such as Lockdowns, Shutdowns, or Social Distancing,
have had the worst results in the world, with the most deaths.
In a very real way, like any other cold season we have ever had,
the less you do about the cold or flu,
be it Coronavirus,
Rhinovirus, or Influenza,
the better your results, and the fewer people will die.
Countries by Percent of Normal Cold Season
US States by Percent of Normal Cold Season